September, 2016

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The Risk to Belong

We were created to belong to God and to other people.
If we miss this, we miss everything.

The need to belong, to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, is hardwired into the human DNA.
Where does this desire come from?

We believe it comes from the truth that we were created by a God who is at his core, a community - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We were created out of community for community. Our deep need to belong displays this truth.

God is at work to create for himself a community through whom he can bless a broken world; that community is his church; God’s people.. We will live in community with God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and with each other, for all eternity. Belonging is our destiny!

But in our individualistic and noisy world, true community is hard to find. The truth is, we must initiate it; it will rarely just happen. As followers of Jesus, we must seek community as a primary calling of our faith. But not just any old “community,” it must be community in the way of Jesus, which means laying down our lives for the sake of others; entering into community for others, rather than solely to meet our own needs.

Doing this is hard.
It is risky.
We all fear rejection.
But it is a risk we must take.
God encourages us to step out in faith this fall to take “The Risk to Belong!”

Weekly Discussion Guides are coming soon.

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