Gifts for Teachers in Haiti

All Campuses | Cedar Falls Parking Lot


The K-12 teachers at UCI in Haiti have been at the front lines in taking care of students and families as they move from the unrest in one part of the country to the quieter area near UCI. Resources are still incredibly scarce in the country. We will be collecting items to put together in a care package for each of the 120 teachers to remind them that God loves them and so do we!

Join us at we invest in these teachers by helping us pack the gifts at Outdoor Church (8/18) and choosing one of three ways to donate:

1. Donate these items ***Drop these items off in the box by the "Outdoor Church" display at any of our 3 campuses -- or bring them to Outdoor Church!

  • medicine bottles (with the labels removed) 
  • black, white, other colored thread spools
  • buttons (any kind all kinds!)
  • small jars of peanut butter (not glass)
  • men's ties

2. Checkout our Amazon Wishlist

  • Sample items on the wish list:kits mentioned above, curtains, hair products, jewelry, lanyards/key chains, small games, watches, protein rich foods, journals, cutlery, pens/markers, etc
  • The wish list was curated with help from Kristie Mompremier, founder of UCI, so we know these gifts will be appreciated and loved by these teachers!


3. Make a Donation Online

  • Every $15 donated will sponsor one of the kits included in their care package. Gardening kit, tool kit, sewing kit -- $15 each!


See you at Outdoor Church!

Need More Information?

Contact Molly Juza at or (319) 266-9796